This product is a toner that contains witch hazel, rose water, and Newland's spring water. It is also filled with lavender and grapefruit, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This product is suitable for treating dry, sensitive, and aging skin.
Witch hazel, rose water, Newland’s spring water, lavender & grapefruit… with a dash of love & gratitude towards nature.
Use once or twice a day on a cotton pad as a toner to cleanse the skin, followed by a Facefood.
Witch hazel & rose water help to tighten and tone the capillaries just below the skin, as well as to reduce redness and soothe irritated skin. Witch hazel, however, contains volatile oils, resins and numerous photo-chemicals including tannins which are powerful antioxidant compounds that help to neutralize free radicals, preventing them from damaging the skin. Lavender & grapefruit are both filled with vitamins, anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory properties. This combination is especially valuable for dry, sensitive and aging skin.
Reduces redness, tightens skin, balances pH, dry skin, sensitive skin.